Program in Clay Mineral Chemistry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois

Pentrak, M., L. Pentrakova, and J.W. Stucki.. 2013. Iron and manganese reduction/oxidation. Chapter 36...

Pentrakova, L., K. Su, M. Pentrak, and J.W. Stucki.. 2013. THE 10TH GEORGE BROWN LECTURE: A review of microbial redox interactions with structural Fe in clay minerals. Clay Minerals, 48, 543–560.

Stucki, J.W. 2005. Lecture presentation in NRES 502, Oak Brook, Illinois, 14Sep2005.

Stucki, J.W. 2005. Iron redox processes in smectites. Chapter 8 In Bergaya, F., Theng, B.K.G., and Lagaly, G. (Eds.) Handbook of Clay Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam (Draft Version).

Sorensen, K.C., J.W. Stucki, R.L. Warner, and M.J. Plewa. 2004. Alteration of mammalian-cell toxicity of pesticides by structural Fe(II) in ferruginous smectite. Environmental Science and Technology, 38, 4383-4389.

Ribeiro, F.R., J.W. Stucki, R.A. Larson, K.A. Marley, P. Komadel, and J.D. Fabris. 2004. Degradation of oxamyl by redox-modified smectites: Effects of pH, layer charge, and extent of reduction. pp. 471-474 In Pecchio, M. et al. (Eds.), Applied Mineralogy, Developments in Science and Technology, Volume 1. ICAM 2004 Brazil, São Paulo.

Swearingen, C., J. Wu, J.W. Stucki, and A. Fitch. 2004. Use of ferrocenyl surfactants of varying chain lengths to study electron transfer reactions in native montmorillonite clay. Environmental Science and Technology, 38, 5598-5603.

Sorensen, K.C., M.J. Plewa, and J.W. Stucki. 2003. Comparative quantitative analysis of agricultural chemicals using a microplate mammalian cell cytotoxicity assay. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 70, 1083-1088

Stucki, J.W., K. Lee, L. Zhang, and R.A. Larson. 2002. The effects of iron oxidation state on the surface and structural properties of smectites. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74, 2079-2092.

Kostka, Joel E., Dalton, Dava D., Skelton, Hayley, Dollhopf, Sherry, and Stucki, Joseph W. 2002. Growth of iron(III)-reducing bacteria on clay minerals as the sole electron acceptor and comparison of growth yields on a variety of oxidized iron forms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, 6256-6262.

Kocherginsky, N. M., Y. K. Zhang, and J. W. Stucki. 2002. D2EHPA based strontium removal from highly alkaline nuclear waste. Desalination 144:267-272.

Fialips, C-I, D. Huo, L. Yan, J. Wu, and J.W. Stucki. 2002. Infrared study of reduced and reduced-reoxidized ferruginous smectite. Clays and Clay Minerals 50:455-469.

Manceau A., B. Lanson, V. A. Drits, D. Chateigner, W. P. Gates, J. Wu, D. Huo, and J. W. Stucki. 2000. Oxidation-reduction mechanism of iron in dioctahedral smectites. 1. Structural chemistry of oxidized reference nontronites. American Mineralogist 85:133-152.

Manceau A., B. Lanson, V. A. Drits, D. Chateigner, J. Wu, D. Huo, W. P. Gates, and J. W. Stucki. 2000. Oxidation-reduction mechanism of iron in dioctahedral smectites. 2. Structural chemistry of reduced Garfield nontronite. American Mineralogist 85:153-172.

Khaled, E. M. and J. W. Stucki. 1991. Iron oxidation effects on cation fixation in smectites. Soil Science Society of America Journal 50:550-554.

Xu, J. C., J. W. Stucki, J. Wu, J. E. Kostka, and G. K. Sims. 2001. Fate of atrazine and alachlor in redox-treated ferruginous smectite. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20:2717-2724.

Publication List of J.W. Stucki



Some Publications by Group Members
